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Test Lead – Test Manager – Sophia-Antipolis / Monaco


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Test Lead – Test Manager – Sophia-Antipolis / Monaco

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Profile: Bac + 5 or Engineer in computer science / sciences, you are curious, passionate, methodical and have a good analytical spirit.


You have 8 to 10 years of experience in the field of software testing, test automation and at least 2 years experience in test project management, implementation of test strategy.


You know the test design methods, the risk management and you are preferably certified ISTQB test manager.

You can work in English.


Mission: Within the ALL4TEST « quality owner » team you integrate a QA / TEST team of one of our clients to help them structure and industrialize the management of their tests.

You manage a team of testers, set up the KPIs or quality indicators of the test project, define the test strategy …


Why joint ALL4TEST team? You will benefit from our training and certification policy, for example, passing your advanced ISTQB certification (test automation or test manager)

You are part of a team of experts who exchange among themselves to progress constantly to always be at the top.


Salary: 42 to 55 KE, mutual, meals and transport.


Motivated? You can send us your CV Word and motivational mail to rh@all4test.com, copy contact@all4test.com



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