Discover our audit & consulting services to optimize the organization of your projects and implement effective testing tools.
We conduct Audits in collaboration with project stakeholders to understand needs and improve organization from the start of the project.
We provide Consulting to formalize your specifications and clear requirements, ensuring the quality and suitability of applications to the initial needs.
We advise you on the implementation of Testing Tools and requirements management through technology watch and partnerships with tool vendors.
*sur la base d’une mission d’un mois pour la mise à disposition d’un testeur confirmé 5 jours par semaine en distanciel ….
Our AUDITS are conducted in close collaboration with project stakeholders to understand needs and optimize organization from the start.
Le CONSULTING focuses on formalizing specifications and clear requirements.
Additionally, through technology watch and partnerships with vendors, we advise you on the implementation of TESTING TOOLS and requirements management adapted to each project.
Our approach will allow you to evaluate your processes according to the following qualitative parameters:
Tell us more about your request related to Test & QA, specifying if it involves Audit & Consulting, Tool Selection, Expert Delegation or Outsourcing.
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Merci pour votre intérêt pour l’automatisation des tests, un sujet primordial.
C’est une excellente initiative de votre part de vous y intéresser.
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